Women’s Committee Members


Maci Bennett Cox – Womens Committee Chairman


  • I’ve played since 1989, for 37 years. 
  • Started at the age of 9. Mostly leagues at county stadium and Lincoln. 
  • I played on an all star team as kids 12 U coached by Ed Loweth.
  • I played 2nd base when I was little, as an adult Left and Left Center and Pitched a lot.



Picture of LeAnne Blackerby

LeAnne Blackerby


  • Began 1977 officially with umpire registration and work at County Stadium.
  • Began Umpiring for Rick Gilbert at Lincoln Park. Worked Men’s, Women’s, Coed. Worked these leagues 30+ years, approximately 9600 games. More than 10,000 games over my career.
  •  80+ state tournaments for Indiana ASA, 30-40 at Lincoln Park in Columbus. UIC’d (Umpire-in-Chief) 40+ state tournaments.
  • 14+ ASA National Tournaments in Indiana, Kentucky, Arizona, Iowa, Virginia. GSP, WSP, MSP, CoEd, 16″ MSP.
  • Charter member CSA, CSA Umpire-in-Chief 20+ years
  • CSA Board of Directors 20+ years 
  •  Indiana ASA Umpire Instructor 20+ years 
  • Indiana ASA Region VP 20+ years representing Columbus
  • Inducted into CISSHOF 2021


Bev Crussell


  • Started playing softball in Columbus in 1971 in the womens league on a good Indiana Veneer team . 
  • Played in Columbus leagues for 48 years. 
  • Played in the 1st Coed league created in Columbus and first womens and coed league created at County Stadium . 
  • Was successful on numerous State women’s and coed teams with Margie’s Munchkins team . This team won many women’s and coed league titles and were tourney champs repeatedly.


Cathy Brummett


  • Started playing when I was 10. 
  • Played until I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter at age 39. 
  • Played at County and at Lincoln. Womens and coed ball. 
  • Highlight would be Coed Nationals in Kansas when Lou Giovanni got male MVP of the tournament and I got female MVP. He batted first and played SS, I batted second and played 2nd base. 
  • Probably best known for hitting behind runners and my speed and aggressiveness on the bases.


Stacey McCarthy


  • Been playing since 1982 
  • Played on several different women and coed teams 
  • Coached women, coed & mens teams 
  • Mostly play outfield, sometimes catcher 
  • Am a solid base hitter, onbase percentage is very good 
  • Get along with everyone


Maria Stack


  • Played for over 25 years
  • Played for the Ponytails, KFC and GB Wilcher
  • These teams won over 300 tournaments and leagues
  • Won All-American honors and MVP’s through the years
  • Lifetime batting average of over .500
  • Had a rocket arm and threw out many baserunners from the outfield- including throwing runners out at first base
  • A tenacious baserunner
  • Inducted into the CISSHOF 2019
  • One of the best female players in Columbus In.


Diana Daeger


  • Began playing at the age of 7 in 1977 and continues to play in Senior Softball tournaments in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Plays an occasional Friday night co-ed game in Scipio.
  • Began umpiring at age 16 at Lincoln Park under the guidance of Leanne Blackerby and other amazing veteran umpires.
  • Played and coached league and tournaments with Wilson Concrete Women’s team.
  • Played many seasons in tournaments with Wilson Concrete Co-ed team.
  • Traveled out of state many times over the years for women’s and co-ed.
  • Played many seasons in the Lincoln Park women’s and co-ed leagues and tournaments.


Julie Zeigler (Ziggy)


  • A rare feat. Played one position for over 20 years—“catcher”
  • Hardworking softball catcher who was dedicated and passionate to play catcher.
  • Started playing softball the inaugural season when I was 9 years old at the county stadium.
  • Played at the County Stadium and then the city league.
  • Also, played on co-ed teams for over 5 years.
  • Won state tournaments with Dairy Queen and participated in the National Tournament.
  • Won many tournaments and leagues with various teams.
  • Enjoyed playing and watching softball through the years. I was fortunate to play with great players and great teams throughout my playing days.
  • At the end of my playing days knowing I made a difference and tried my hardest keeps a smile on my face.
  • Softball Rocks and I am looking forward to being a committee member for Columbus Indiana Slow Pitch Softball Hall Of Fame!


Linda Roberts


  • Participated in slow pitch softball in Columbus In for 48 years from 1975-2023
  • She could play any position
  • Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2023
  • Was a student of the game and a great ambassador. Always gave 100% and displayed the best sportsmanship
  • Considered one of the best first Baseman to ever play the game


Paula Foster


  • Started playing in 1982 for Mary Drive. 
  • 2 years later I played for Big Mack(Jim McMillan) left fielder for a year then to shortstop, got hurt, then I started pitching. 
  • Played 6 years then moved to Jerry Freeman’s team as the pitcher. 
  • Played co-ed, men’s in Indy, as a Pitcher. 
  • Was an umpire, score keeper and on the board for CSA for years.
  • Started coaching men’s and coed. 
  • Played high league every year but the 1st two.
  • Won several MVP Awards in tournaments.


Trina Jones


  • I’ve played slow pitch softball since I was 9.
  • Played on several different women and coed teams.
  • I played one year of college softball. 88-89 at grace college in Winona lake Indiana.
  • I played Slow Pitch softball in Columbus Indiana for 20-25 years.
  • Currently I keep score and play on a coed team and sometimes with the senior league.


Jerry Burton


  • Known more as a defensive standout as a shortstop who was always up to making the big plays in the biggest moments 
  • Was an above average hitter who hit to all fields.
  • Played on many great co-ed teams winning several local and State tournaments.
  • Won many league and league tournaments in both men’s and co-ed divisions in Columbus


Guy Stott




Tana Marshall


  • I grew up at Lincoln Park watching my dad play softball, while my sister and I ran around the park.  
  • I started playing softball when I was 8 years old (1985) at County Stadium.  
  • In my teen years I started playing on my family team at Lincoln Park where my dad, Mike Teltoe, was my coach and my teammates consisted of my sister, mom and aunts.  
  • Some of my best memories were made on that team!  
  • I usually played any outfield position but also filled in at catcher.  
  • At bat I was usually all pull to the left side and quick around the bases.  
  • I played in women’s and co-ed leagues.  
  • I retired in my late 20s, but came out of retirement in 2022 for my nephew’s memorial softball team where I played with my niece’s.